SUSTAIN predictions for the fdbk1 experiment

Brad Love (personal communication, 2008-04-30) explained that, with external feedback, SUSTAIN will make new clusters only in regions where the perceptual distributions of the seven stimuli overlap. Most errors will be blamed on the decision mechanism and thus will not be counted as "surprises". Only perceptual overlap counts as genuine "surprise".

This script makes a quick-and-dirty pass at determining how much perceptual overlap there is in our stimuli, under the standard ANCHOR assumption that the perceptual noise kp=.04

File: work/CMUExper/fdbk1/data/SUSTAIN_overlap.m
Date: 2008-06-15
Alexander Petrov,


Magnitude continuum

Ignore pixels and such. Just work with 1, 2, 3, ..., 7
m=[0:.02:8]' ;
kp = .04 ;
N_stimuli = 7 ;
S = 1:N_stimuli ;        % means of the 7 stimulus distributions
sd = S.*kp ;     % std deviations -- see ANCHOR's perceptual equation

Probability density

d = zeros(length(m),N_stimuli) ;
for s = 1:N_stimuli
    d(:,s) = normpdf(m,S(s),sd(s)) ;
plot(m,d) ;
xlabel('Magnitude') ; ylabel('Probability density') ; grid on ;

Important observation

Due to Weber's law, there is much more overlap at the high end of the scale than at the low end. In fact, there is hardly any overlap at the low end.

Approximate break-even points

To quantify this, we need to find the break-even points between consecutive perceptual distributions S_{i} and S_{i+1}. The break-even point C_{i} is approximately located at:

Si = S(1:N_stimuli-1) ;
Si1 = S(2:N_stimuli) ;
Ci = 2.*(Si.*Si1)./(Si+Si1) ;

height=zeros(2,N_stimuli-1) ;
for s=1:N_stimuli-1
    height(1,s) = normpdf(Ci(s),S(s),sd(s)) ;
    height(2,s) = normpdf(Ci(s),S(s+1),sd(s+1)) ;
height =
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0056    0.0526    0.1507    0.2616
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0042    0.0421    0.1256    0.2242

Corrected break-even points

The two heights aren't quite equal, so we move the criteria to the right:

Ci = Ci + .01 ;
height=zeros(2,N_stimuli-1) ;
for s=1:N_stimuli-1
    height(1,s) = normpdf(Ci(s),S(s),sd(s)) ;
    height(2,s) = normpdf(Ci(s),S(s+1),sd(s+1)) ;
height =
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0042    0.0442    0.1344    0.2412
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0053    0.0483    0.1380    0.2400

Area overlap

The two heights are now approximately equal, so let's calculate the area on the "wrong" side of each criterion

overlap = zeros(2,N_stimuli-1) ;
for s=1:N_stimuli - 1
    overlap(1,s) = 1-normcdf(Ci(s),S(s),sd(s)) ;    % right tail of S_{i}
    overlap(2,s) = normcdf(Ci(s),S(s+1),sd(s+1)) ;  % left tail of S_{i+1}
overlap =
         0    0.0000    0.0001    0.0023    0.0101    0.0247
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0032    0.0128    0.0296

Confusability per trial

There is approx 5% chance per trial that SUSTAIN will be "surprised" between S6 and S7, 2% chance to be "surprised" between S5 and S6, .5% chance to be "surprised" between S4 and S5, and negligible chance to be "surprised" b/n S1 and S2:

p = sum(overlap) ;
disp(p.*100) ;
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0354    0.5442    2.2935    5.4278

Confusability per block

WARNING: This dangerously magnifies the error of our quick-and-dirty approximation above. Interpret with a huge grain of salt! In a High block, there will be 7 presentations of S7 and 6 presentations of S6. Thus there are 13 opportunities to be "surprised" b/n S6 and S7:

N_opportunities = Si+Si1 ;                     % per block
P(1,:) = 1 - (1-p).^N_opportunities ;          % in High context
P(2,:) = 1 - (1-p).^fliplr(N_opportunities) ;  % in Low context
disp(P.*100) ;
    0.0000    0.0003    0.2473    4.7924   22.5260   51.5909
    0.0000    0.0006    0.3179    3.7477   10.9536   15.4155


It should be emphasized once again that all this applies for the feedback blocks only! Without feedback, SUSTAIN's surprises depend on the threshold parameter tau in Equation 11 in LoveMedinGureckis04.
