
% LRAVEN1_comp_optim -- Use simplex to search for optimum R2/comp
% This is the script that generated Figures ?? and ?? in Hayes, Petrov, &
% Sederberg (submitted).
% Script that is used to optimize the best 2 components in terms of R2.
% It is meant to be used after a grid search has been performed to inform
% the parameter boundaries.
% A simplex finds the best parameters, and then
% generates publication quality component figures using export_fig.
% See also LRaven1_R2_optim, LRaven1_R2_publish, LRaven1_R2_goalfun, fminsearchcon
% (c) Laboratory for Cognitive Modeling and Computational Cognitive
% Neuroscience at the Ohio State University,
% 1.1.0 2011-03-30 AAP: Fix lrate=.23 and gamma=22 -- see Section 015
% 1.0.1 2011-03-08 TRH: Clean up and finalize
% 1.0.0 2011-01-26 TRH: Used as tool for pseudo-manual search for SR params

010: Get started

cd(fullfile(LRaven1_pathstr,'paramsearch')) ;
fprintf('\n\nLRaven1_R2_publish executed on %s.\n\n',datestr(now)) ;
fprintf('cd %s\n',pwd) ;

clear all ; close all ;

LRaven1_R2_publish executed on 30-Mar-2011 19:35:21.

cd /Users/apetrov/a/r/w/work/RelExper/LRaven1/matlab/paramsearch

015: Optimize parameters for figure?

Added 2011-03-30 by AAP.

When optimizep=false, the function will use the mean parameter values from the 35 cross-validation runs

%optimizep = true ;   % call LRaven1_R2_paramsearch in Section 050 below
optimizep = false ;   % do no use the optimized params

if (~optimizep)
    % This takes effect in Section 080 below  [AAP 2011-03-30]
    % taken from ???? -- Taylor, please specify
    mean_CV_SR_params = [.22 0 .23] ;   % [gamma lambda_gamma lrate]

    mean_CV_SR_params = [NaN NaN NaN] ;   % so that an error occurs if used below

020: Load H and sequence data

% Load H: <1x35 struct> produced by LRaven1_hitcount
filename = fullfile(LRaven1_pathstr,'data','H.mat') ;
fprintf('load %s \n\n',filename) ;
load(filename) ;
clear filename

% Load sequence data: <35x28 cell array> of transition sequence vectors
trans_pathstr = fullfile(LRaven1_pathstr,'data','transitions') ;
seq_filename = fullfile(trans_pathstr,'collapsed_clip_205.mat') ; %collapsed

fprintf('load %s \n\n',seq_filename) ;
load(seq_filename) ;

clearvars trans_pathstr
load /Users/apetrov/a/r/w/work/RelExper/LRaven1/matlab/data/H.mat 

load /Users/apetrov/a/r/w/work/RelExper/LRaven1/matlab/data/transitions/collapsed_clip_205.mat 

030: Create D structure

% Pack sequences into D
D.sequences = recoded_sequences ;

% Provide descriptor or sequences
D.descriptor = ['Collapsed sequences 205 loaded from ' seq_filename] ;

% Copy various possible score targets from H to D
% These are not going to be used by LRaven1_R2_optim.m. Only is
% used. The rest are just stored along for the ride, and for post-hoc
% analyses.
D.session1_score = [H.session1_score]' ;
D.session2_score = [H.session2_score]' ;
D.session12_score = [H.session1_score]' + [H.session2_score]' ;

% Single out which schores are TARGET during this particular run. = D.session12_score ;

% Print in the published transcript
D     %#ok<NOPTS>


% Size up the data -- SHOULD ALWAYS BE 35 x 28
[N_sbj,N_trials] = size(D.sequences) ;
D = 

          sequences: {35x28 cell}
         descriptor: [1x125 char]
     session1_score: [35x1 double]
     session2_score: [35x1 double]
    session12_score: [35x1 double]
             target: [35x1 double]

   Value   Count  Percent  Cum_cnt  Cum_pct
      12       1     2.86        1     2.86
      13       1     2.86        2     5.71
      15       1     2.86        3     8.57
      16       1     2.86        4    11.43
      18       1     2.86        5    14.29
      19       2     5.71        7    20.00
      20       3     8.57       10    28.57
      21       4    11.43       14    40.00
      22       3     8.57       17    48.57
      23       2     5.71       19    54.29
      24       7    20.00       26    74.29
      25       3     8.57       29    82.86
      26       5    14.29       34    97.14
      27       1     2.86       35   100.00

040: Create search_params structure

% AOI and component fields
N_AOIs = 10 ;
search_params.N_AOIs = N_AOIs ;     % Number of unique interest areas

N_comp = 2 ;
search_params.N_comp = N_comp ;     % Number of components
% all sbjs
search_params.max_N_comp = 12 ;     % Maximum number of possible components
% 12 sbj or less
%search_params.max_N_comp = 6 ;     % Maximum number of possible components

% Subject and trial fields
%search_params.sbj_idx = (1:2:N_sbj) ;   % quick-and-dirty debugging
search_params.sbj_idx = 1:N_sbj ;    % Sbjs for analysis
search_params.trial_idx = 1:28 ;  % Trials for analysis

% Search and Cross Validation fields
search_params.N_left_out = 0 ; % Number of sbj left out for cross validation
search_params.Borda_diagnosep = false ; % passed to select_components_borda.m

fprintf('search_parasm.N_left_out=%d, which short-circuits the inner CV loop.\n', ...
        search_params.N_left_out ) ;

search_params.N_random_seeds = 5 ; % Number of random param searches
%search_params.N_random_seeds = 10 ; % quick-and-dirty debugging

search_params.N_searches = 1 ; % Number of top seeds used for simplex run
search_params.suggested_seeds = [.25 0 .23] ; % param start point(s)
search_params.N_left_outermost = 1 ; % Cross valid. #sbj outer loop
search_params.N_carryover_seeds = 0 ; % Number of seeds used in next iter.

% Options and other fields
search_params.verbosep = false ;  % whether to display progress messages
search_params.parallelp = false ; % whether to use parallel processing
options = optimset('fmincon') ;  % Set default options

% Turn off display for parallel processing and set iterations to 50
search_params.options = optimset(options,'Display','iter','MaxIter',30) ;

% File names
fname_stem = 'R2opt-col-div-s12-Param-clamped-35x28-rigel-20110126' ;
%fname_stem = 'delete-me' ; % use for debug

search_params.log_streams = [1] ; %#ok<NBRAK> % only the console unless appended below
search_params.log_title = ...
    'Collapsed clip 205 sequences. All 35 Ss on all 28 trials. No inner CV loop.' ;

% Set bounds on parameters
search_params.gamma_bounds = [.01 .35] ;
search_params.lambda_gamma_bounds = [0 0] ;
search_params.lrate_bounds = [.01 .35] ;

% Set LRaven1_R2_paramsearch 'diffp' field to false
% This is the default behavior, but let's make it explicit that we intend
% to use LRaven1_R2_goalfun inside LRaven1_R2_paramsearch.  2011-03-30
% TO DO: Put a function handle to specify the goalfun explicitly.
search_params.diffp = false ;

% Display search_params in the published transcript
search_params    %#ok<NOPTS>
search_parasm.N_left_out=0, which short-circuits the inner CV loop.

search_params = 

                 N_AOIs: 10
                 N_comp: 2
             max_N_comp: 12
                sbj_idx: [1x35 double]
              trial_idx: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28]
             N_left_out: 0
        Borda_diagnosep: 0
         N_random_seeds: 5
             N_searches: 1
        suggested_seeds: [0.2500 0 0.2300]
       N_left_outermost: 1
      N_carryover_seeds: 0
               verbosep: 0
              parallelp: 0
                options: [1x1 struct]
            log_streams: 1
              log_title: 'Collapsed clip 205 sequences. All 35 Ss on all 28 trials. No inner CV loop.'
           gamma_bounds: [0.0100 0.3500]
    lambda_gamma_bounds: [0 0]
           lrate_bounds: [0.0100 0.3500]
                  diffp: 0

050: Optimize LRaven1_R2_goalfun

% Optimize goalfun via LRaven1_R2_paramsearch.
% This is not going to be used if optimizep=false, but it takes less than a
% minute to generate and it's informative, so we calculate it ragardless.
% It is going to be used when optimizep=true.    [AAP 2011-03-30]

tic , res = LRaven1_R2_paramsearch(D,search_params) , toc    %#ok<NOPTS>
 Iteration   Func-count     min f(x)         Procedure
     0            1          2.46029         
     1            3          2.46029         initial simplex
     2            5          2.46029         contract inside
     3            7          2.46029         contract inside
     4            9          2.46029         contract inside
     5           11          2.46029         contract inside
     6           13          2.46029         contract outside
     7           14          2.46029         reflect
     8           16          2.45675         contract inside
     9           18          2.45675         contract outside
    10           20          2.45573         contract inside
    11           21          2.45573         reflect
    12           23          2.45561         contract inside
    13           24          2.45561         reflect
    14           26          2.45546         contract inside
    15           28          2.45546         contract inside
    16           30          2.45546         contract inside
    17           32          2.45545         contract inside
    18           34          2.45544         contract inside
    19           36          2.45544         contract inside
    20           38          2.45544         contract outside
    21           40          2.45544         contract inside
    22           42          2.45544         contract inside
    23           44          2.45544         contract inside
    24           46          2.45544         contract inside
    25           48          2.45544         contract inside
    26           50          2.45544         contract inside
    27           52          2.45544         contract inside
    28           54          2.45544         contract outside
    29           56          2.45544         contract inside
    30           58          2.45544         contract inside
Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded
         - increase MaxIter option.
         Current function value: 2.455438 

res = 

        search_params: [1x1 struct]
               bounds: [2x3 double]
              goalfun: @LRaven1_R2_goalfun
    random_search_res: [5x7 double]
    fminsearchcon_res: [1x1 struct]
             exitflag: 0
           top_cvRMSE: 2.4554
            top_gamma: 0.2546
     top_lambda_gamma: 0
            top_lrate: 0.2329
        opt_SR_params: [0.2546 0 0.2329]

Elapsed time is 45.584642 seconds.

080: Run goalfun with optim params and then run global regression

This is a repeat of the final call to LRaven1_R2_goalfun that ocurred inside LRaven1_R2_paramsearch. It is necessary to re-run the goalfun to get the export structure with the detailed components, etc.

% Commit to a parameter vector for the figures
if (optimizep)
    SR_params = res.opt_SR_params ;    % maximize R2 for the 35-sbj fit

    fprintf('\n Using optimized parameters: gamma=%.4f, lrate=%.4f \n',...
            SR_params(1), SR_params(3)) ;

else  % use the mean of the 35 cross-validation runs
    % See ??? for details...  -- Taylor, please fill in
    SR_params = mean_CV_SR_params ;

    fprintf('\n Using fixed parameters: gamma=%.4f, lrate=%.4f \n',...
            SR_params(1), SR_params(3)) ;

% Run goalfun one last time, requesting full details in the export structure
[cvRMSE,export] = LRaven1_R2_goalfun(SR_params,D,search_params) %#ok<NOPTS>

% Store goalfun export in glbl structure
glbl.descriptor = sprintf('Generated by LRaven1_R2_goalfun on %s',datestr(now,30)) ;
glbl.SR_params = SR_params ;

glbl.mean_SR_across_sbj = export.mean_SR_across_sbj ;
glbl.std_SR_across_sbj = export.std_SR_across_sbj ;
glbl.U = export.U ;
glbl.Sigma = export.Sigma ;
glbl.PC = export.PC ;
glbl.projections = export.projections ;
glbl.Borda_winners = export.Borda_winners ;
glbl.R2_train = export.R2_train ;
glbl.R2_test = export.R2_test ;
glbl.RMSE_train = export.RMSE_train ;
glbl.RMSE_test = export.RMSE_test ;
glbl.Borda_gain = export.mean_R2_gain(:,glbl.Borda_winners) ;

% Score targets
target_subset = ;
mean_SR_across_sbj = export.mean_SR_across_sbj ;
std_SR_across_sbj = export.std_SR_across_sbj ;
PC = export.PC ;
projections = export.projections(:,export.Borda_winners) ;

% Global regression
global_reg = regress_subset(target_subset,projections) ;
beta = global_reg.beta ;
R2_train1 = global_reg.R2 ;
glbl.global_reg = global_reg ;

b = global_reg.beta(1:N_comp) ;
c = global_reg.beta(N_comp + 1) ;

% Calculate global weights
global_W1 = PC(:,glbl.Borda_winners) * b' ;  % [N_vars x N_comp] * [N_comp x 1] = [N_vars x 1]
glbl.global_weights1 = global_W1' ;          % [1 x N_vars], without std_SR...

global_W = global_W1 ./ std_SR_across_sbj' ;    % [N_vars x 1]
glbl.global_weights = global_W' ;            % [1 x N_vars]

%c = c - mean_SR_across_sbj * global_W ;
c = c - mean_SR_across_sbj * global_W ;
const_term = c ;

% Define global M
M = export.SR_by_sbj(search_params.sbj_idx,:) ;

% Perform Prediction
yhat = M * global_W + c ;
glbl.predicted_targets = yhat' ;
glbl.R2 = signed_R2(target_subset(:),glbl.predicted_targets(:)) ;
glbl.RMSE = sqrt(mean((target_subset(:)-glbl.predicted_targets(:)).^2)) ;

% Display glbl results in the published transcript
glbl    %#ok<NOPTS>
 Using fixed parameters: gamma=0.2200, lrate=0.2300 

cvRMSE =


export = 

         search_params: [1x1 struct]
             SR_params: [1x1 struct]
    SR_by_sbj_by_trial: [35x28x100 double]
             SR_by_sbj: [35x100 double]
    mean_SR_across_sbj: [1x100 double]
     std_SR_across_sbj: [1x100 double]
                  data: [35x100 double]
                     U: [35x35 double]
                 Sigma: [35x1 double]
                    PC: [100x35 double]
           projections: [35x35 double]
          mean_R2_gain: [1x35 double]
         unanim_scores: [1.0417 0.9333 0.8417 0.7500 0.6667 0.5833 0.5000 0.4167 0.3333 0.2500 0.1667 0.0833]
        ordered_scores: [1.0226 0.9369 0.8367 0.7532 0.6682 0.5843 0.5007 0.4173 0.3337 0.2503 0.1668 0.0834]
              best_idx: [1 7 11 2 12 4 5 8 3 9 10 6]
         Borda_winners: [1 7]
                R2_set: 0.5137
              R2_train: 0.5137
               R2_test: 0.5137
            RMSE_train: 2.5767
             RMSE_test: 2.5767

glbl = 

            descriptor: 'Generated by LRaven1_R2_goalfun on 20110330T193609'
             SR_params: [0.2200 0 0.2300]
    mean_SR_across_sbj: [1x100 double]
     std_SR_across_sbj: [1x100 double]
                     U: [35x35 double]
                 Sigma: [35x1 double]
                    PC: [100x35 double]
           projections: [35x35 double]
         Borda_winners: [1 7]
              R2_train: 0.5137
               R2_test: 0.5137
            RMSE_train: 2.5767
             RMSE_test: 2.5767
            Borda_gain: [0.2708 0.2430]
            global_reg: [1x1 struct]
       global_weights1: [1x100 double]
        global_weights: [1x100 double]
     predicted_targets: [1x35 double]
                    R2: 0.5137
                  RMSE: 2.5767

090: Make quick and dirty plot of components, weights, and predictions

% Define plotting constants
TickLabel='1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|R';         % Interpretation of the 10 AOIs

% Set up colorbar
poscol = [0 0 1];
negcol = [1 0 0];
pos_map = makecolormap(poscol,[1 1 1],5);
neg_map = makecolormap([1 1 1],negcol,5);
filler_map = ones(4,3);
newmap = [pos_map; filler_map; neg_map];

% Make a plot with 3 comps, 1 global, 1 scatter of pred. vs observed
% Plot global components
clf ;
%plot1 = figure('Position',[0 0 700 700],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;
[rrr,ccc] = recommend_subplot_size(N_comp+1) ;
for k = 1:search_params.N_comp
    subplot(2,2,k) ;
    PC(:,k) = glbl.PC(:,glbl.Borda_winners(k))*sign(glbl.global_reg.beta(k)) ;
    imagesc(reshape(PC(:,k),N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[-.18 .18]) ; colormap(newmap)
    %imagesc(reshape(PC(:,k),N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[-.21 .21]) ;
    title(sprintf('PC %d, R2g=%.3f, b=%.3f', ...
          glbl.Borda_winners(k),glbl.Borda_gain(k),abs(beta(k)))) ;
    set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
    axis square ; grid on ;
    x = repmat(-.1,[1 10]) ;
    text(x,Tick,TickLabel) ;
    y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
    text(Tick-.15,y,TickLabel) ;

% %Plot global weights -- use weight1 which does NOT include std_SR_across_sbj
subplot(2,2,N_comp+1) ;
imagesc(reshape(glbl.global_weights1,N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[-.085,.085]) ;
title('Weights') ; colormap(newmap) ;
axis square ; %colorbar ;
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.1,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.15,y,TickLabel) ;

% Plot scatter of predicted and observed both sessions
plot(target_subset(:),glbl.predicted_targets(:),'o') ;
%plot(target_subset(:),global_reg.yhat(sp2.sbj_idx),'o') ;
title(sprintf('R2 = %.2f',round(glbl.R2*100)/100)) ;
axis([0 29 0 29]) ; axis square ; grid on ;
refline(1,0) ;
xlabel('Observed score'); ylabel('Predicted score') ;

100: Generate publication-quality figures of components and weights

Generate each high resolution component separately and export of folder Use Omnigraffle for figure placement and final figure export

% Define plotting constants

% Define colorbar settings
poscol = [0 0 1];
negcol = [1 0 0];
pos_map = makecolormap(poscol,[1 1 1],5);
neg_map = makecolormap([1 1 1],negcol,5);
filler_map = ones(4,3);
newmap = [pos_map; filler_map; neg_map];

110: Generate and export high-quality systematicity component figure

clf ;
%figure('Position',[0 0 175 175],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ; % for image only
figure('Position',[0 0 243 243],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;  % for colorbar & image
imagesc(reshape(PC(:,1),10,10),[-.18 .18]) ;
colormap(newmap) ; c=colorbar('location','NorthOutside') ;

% Position colorbar position and text
x(1)= .242 ; % move colorbar left/right
%x(2)= .69 ;  % move colorbar up/down
x(2)= .68 ;  % move colorbar up/down
x(3)=.55 ;   % length colorbar
%x(4)=.04 ;   % width colorbar
x(4)=.025 ;   % width colorbar
set(c,'Position',x,'fontsize',8) ; % fontsize colorbar
set(gca,'position',x1) ;

% Adjust tick labels so they fall in the middle of matrix cells
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.3,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.227,y+.1,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;

% Export 850 resolution png file to set folder
% Uncomment this ... @@@ AAP 2011-03-30
%export_fig '~/work/RelExper/LRaven1/LRaven1_RESULTS/paper_figures/main_comp/syst_PC_fin.png' -png -r850 -a4

120: Generate and export high quality toggle component figure

clf ;
%plot1 = figure('Position',[0 0 175 175],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ; % for image only
plot1 = figure('Position',[0 0 243 243],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;  % for colorbar & image
imagesc(reshape(PC(:,2),10,10),[-.18 .18]) ;
colormap(newmap) ; c=colorbar('location','NorthOutside') ;

% Position colorbar position and text
x(1)= .242 ; % move colorbar right
x(2)= .68 ;  % move colorbar up
x(3)=.55 ;   % length colorbar
x(4)=.025 ;   % width colorbar
set(c,'Position',x,'fontsize',8) ; % fontsize colorbar
set(gca,'position',x1) ;

% Adjust tick labels so they fall in the middle of matrix cells
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.3,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.227,y+.1,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;

% Export 850 resolution png file to set folder
% Uncomment this ... @@@ AAP 2011-03-30
%export_fig '~/work/RelExper/LRaven1/LRaven1_RESULTS/paper_figures/main_comp/tog_PC_fin.png' -png -r850 -a4

130: Generate and export high quality toggle weights figure

clf ;
%figure('Position',[0 0 175 175],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ; % for image only
figure('Position',[0 0 243 243],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;  % for colorbar & image
imagesc(reshape(glbl.global_weights1,N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[-.085,.085]) ;
colormap(newmap) ; c= colorbar('location','NorthOutside') ;

% Position colorbar position and text
x(1)= .242 ; % move colorbar right
x(2)= .68 ;  % move colorbar up
x(3)=.55 ;   % length colorbar
x(4)=.025 ;   % width colorbar
set(c,'Position',x,'fontsize',8) ; % fontsize colorbar
set(gca,'position',x1) ;

% Adjust tick labels so they fall in the middle of matrix cells
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.3,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.227,y+.1,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;

% Export 850 resolution png file to set folder
% Uncomment this ... @@@ AAP 2011-03-30
%export_fig '~/work/RelExper/LRaven1/LRaven1_RESULTS/paper_figures/main_comp/weights_fin.png' -png -r850 -a4

140:Generate and negative only weights

% Create positive only weight indices
pos_idx = find(sign(glbl.global_weights1)==1) ;
neg_idx = find(sign(glbl.global_weights1)==-1) ;

% Generate zero vectors of 100 x 1 to store index values in
pos_weights = zeros([100 1]) ;
neg_weights = zeros([100 1]) ;

% Positive weights
pos_weights(pos_idx) = glbl.global_weights1(pos_idx) ;

% Negative weights
neg_weights(neg_idx) = glbl.global_weights1(neg_idx) ;

150: Generate and export high quality only positive weights figure

% Create a positive only colorbar
negcol = [1 0 0];
neg_map = makecolormap([1 1 1],negcol,5);
filler_map = ones(4,3);
newmap = [filler_map; neg_map];

clf ;
%figure('Position',[0 0 175 175],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ; % for image only
figure('Position',[0 0 243 243],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;  % for colorbar & image
imagesc(reshape(pos_weights,N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[0,.085]) ;
colormap(newmap) ; c= colorbar('location','NorthOutside') ;

% Position colorbar position and text
x(1)= .242 ; % move colorbar right
x(2)= .68 ;  % move colorbar up
x(3)=.55 ;   % length colorbar
x(4)=.025 ;   % width colorbar
set(c,'Position',x,'fontsize',8,'XTick',0:.04:.08) ; % fontsize colorbar
set(gca,'position',x1) ;

% Adjust tick labels so they fall in the middle of matrix cells
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.3,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.227,y+.1,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;

% Export 850 resolution png file to set folder
% Uncomment this ... @@@ AAP 2011-03-30
%export_fig '~/work/RelExper/LRaven1/LRaven1_RESULTS/paper_figures/main_comp/pos_weights_fin.png' -png -r850 -a4

160: Generate and export high quality only negative weights figure

% Create a negative only colorbar
poscol = [0 0 1];
pos_map = makecolormap(poscol,[1 1 1],5);
filler_map = ones(4,3);
newmap = [pos_map ; filler_map];

clf ;
%figure('Position',[0 0 175 175],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ; % for image only
figure('Position',[0 0 243 243],'PaperPositionMode','auto','Color','none') ;  % for colorbar & image
imagesc(reshape(neg_weights,N_AOIs,N_AOIs),[-.085,0]) ;
colormap(newmap) ; c= colorbar('location','NorthOutside') ;

% Position colorbar position and text
x(1)= .242 ; % move colorbar right
x(2)= .68 ;  % move colorbar up
x(3)=.55 ;   % length colorbar
x(4)=.025 ;   % width colorbar
set(c,'Position',x,'fontsize',8,'XTick',-.08:.04:.0) ; % fontsize colorbar
set(gca,'position',x1) ;

% Adjust tick labels so they fall in the middle of matrix cells
set(gca,'XTick',Tick+.50,'YTick',Tick+.50,'XTickLabel','','YTickLabel','') ;
axis square ; grid on ;
x = repmat(-.3,[1 10]) ;
text(x,Tick,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;
y = repmat(11,[1 10]) ;
text(Tick-.227,y+.1,TickLabel,'fontsize',8) ;

% Export 850 resolution png file to set folder
% Uncomment this ... @@@ AAP 2011-03-30
%export_fig '~/work/RelExper/LRaven1/LRaven1_RESULTS/paper_figures/main_comp/neg_weights_fin.png' -png -r850 -a4

999: Finish

close all

%%%%% End of file LRaven1_gridcomp_optim.m